Dr. Ndamukong: or How I learned to stop worrying & love a rookie…

So the Lions appear to have finally done something right. Last year’s 1st round pick, DT Ndamukong Suh exceeded even the loftiest of expectations. He plays old school, punch ’em in the mouth football. And the maturity he’s shown so far in his early career has been impressive to say the least.

Suh has become the first Lions’ rookie since Barry Sanders in 1989 to make the Pro Bowl. And he didn’t just make it, but was voted in as a starter by an overwhelming margin. However, he has opted to instead skip the week in Hawaii and get minor shoulder surgery now so he is sure to be ready for training camp. He is not star struck by all the future Hall of Famers that will be there. He is instead only concerned with doing what is best for the future of the team.

Suh has been as involved as they’ll let him, as it’s been said he has become a Jr. GM. Following around Martin Mayhew with suggestions of players he thinks will better the team. This is quite the stark contrast from the last Pro Bowl d-linemen to play here, Shaun Rodgers. Rodgers could not have been less involved off the field. Hell, half the time he wasn’t involved on the field. Taking plays off and refusing to take on a leadership role, despite everyone looking at him to. He was clearly the most talented player on those Detroit Defenses, as Suh is now. But Suh has something Rodgers doesn’t, a clue. Suh wants to win, and appears willing to do what ever it takes to make sure that happens.

Steve Yzerman has always been my favorite Detroit athlete, but with some time, given his attitude and style of play Ndamukong Suh could find himself as beloved as the Captain here.

So here’s wishing Mr. Suh a long and fruitful career here, and here’s to hoping he can finally be the player to take the Lions to the next level.


2 thoughts on “Dr. Ndamukong: or How I learned to stop worrying & love a rookie…”

  1. Bro I just skipped to the comment section to tell you that I don’t care about sports unless its somehow related to Cecil Fielder. Greatest Tiger ever!


  2. I am a Saints fan but I do love watching Suh play.

    Barring any sort of injury he should have long, and possibly hall of fame career.

    Nice post.

    Also, Suh need not be compared with Rodgers. Suh hasn’t even remotely got near to carrying a gun in his luggage.


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