Dexter: 8.04 – “Scar Tissue”

“Scar Tissue” began very strangely because suddenly with no explanation, Deb and Vogel have a relationship. I don’t really like that we didn’t get to see that part, but I understand that time is of the essence in this final season. Vogel is trying to get through to Deb, seemingly using tough love but she also could just be trying to push Deb over the edge by making her feel guilty. She seems very manipulative. Vogel also accidentally shows Dexter the notes she has been keeping on her activities with him, leading him to kick her out of his life!

Dexter and Vogel 804

In this episode, we also got to see the actual brain surgeon whose name is A.J. Yates. Apparently he was a patient of Vogel. She recommended that he get brain surgery to affect his behavior. Why the hell was he not the first person she thought of? Or, like I said last week, maybe she is controlling the brain surgeon too!

Deb is struggling with what Vogel described as making “the best of a difficult situation”. She said that she should have shot Dexter instead of LaGuerta. Vogel explains to her that Dexter doesn’t know any better but that Deb shot someone in cold blood even though she knew it was wrong.

Because of this struggle, we saw one of the most dramatic endings to a Dexter episode to date! Deb asks Dexter if Harry killed himself after she saw the tape from her father’s last session with Dr. Vogel. Dexter said yes and explained that Harry couldn’t handle what he created, meaning Deter. Deb told her brother that she knows how Harry felt but he only had it half right. SHE GRABBED THE STEERING WHEEL AND STEERED THE CAR WITH DEXTER AND HERSELF IN IT AND DROVE IT INTO THE LAKE! Holy sh*t! I was actually legitimately surprised. But in usual Deb fashion, after she was saved by a local man, she swam out and saved her brother.

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There is so much going on right now in this show! Masuka just found out that he has a 20 year old daughter who has the same awesomely ridiculous laugh as him. He did get all disgustingly pervy with her before he knew who she was though… which was uncomfortable. But that’s just Masuka being Masuka.

Quinn and Jamie are fighting, but at least Jamie is naked for it this time!

jamie batista sex scene dexter

And I know I said this last week but I feel compelled to say it again…. I will RIOT if Quinn is the one who finds Dexter out! I have been re-watching season 4 and that is when Quinn began to develop suspicions about Dexter as a person. He has always had a feeling about Dexter and in season 5, he even has Dexter followed by a private investigator named Liddy! Imagine what he may put together now that he may become sergeant and with Deb as messed up as she is! Yikes! So many questions…. I do not want to wait a week! However, since I must, join me back here next week to read my rants and raves!

Overall I would say this episode was about a 4. To be very clear, the 4 is mostly because of how amazing the ending was. The back story is great, but I am glad we are finally getting back to the action!

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