Star Wars Rebels Renewed for Third Season

“This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both the Jedi and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: Trust in the force.”

Those of you that are regularly tuning in to Disney XD’s Star Wars Rebels will be pleased to hear that it was picked up for a third season. The announcement came this past Monday. “We are proud to bring our audience a third season of Star Wars Rebels, a series that has resonated across generations,” said Marc Buhaj, Disney XD’s Senior Vice President, Programming and General Manager. The numbers definitely back his statement up as it’s the second most watched show on Disney XD, and the most watched show by adult viewers age 18-49.

Star Wars Rebels

As nice as it is to hear that it has been renewed for a third season, it shouldn’t really come as any kind of surprise. After all, it is Star Wars and interest in the franchise is likely to continue to grow in the wake of Star Wars The Force Awakens.

Secondly, on a recent appearance on Collider Jedi Council, Freddie Prinze Jr. (the voice of Kanan) mentioned that he believes Disney and Lucasfilm’s plan is for “5 to 7, closer to 7” seasons. Obviously that isn’t set in stone by any means, but it would be hard to believe them not doing 7 seasons if they wanted to. After all Disney spent a boat load of money and then some (about $4 billion) just acquiring the rights, it would seem strange to squander a show that features some of the most refreshing new characters in the Star Wars universe in a long time. By the way, if you’re already a fan of the show, you really should watch Freddie Prinze Jr. on Collider Jedi Council as it’s a great interview and he provides a lot of interesting insight into the where the show has been and where it’s going, without spoiling anything of course.

Though it’s ultimately a kids show, it does deliver some more mature moments and themes as well while also telling a pretty compelling story in the galaxy far, far away that we all know and love. As Kiri Hart (Lucasfilm Senior VP of Development) put it, “The show continues to tell fun, heartfelt, exciting new Star Wars stories week after week, and it’s beloved by fans of all ages,” and I couldn’t agree more.

Star Wars Rebels airs on Wednesday nights at 9:30 EST on Disney XD. Check out the preview for next week’s episode below!

Let us know what you think about Star Wars Rebels in the comments section below! Have you been watching? What do you think? We want to know.

As we approach the mid-season finale of Star Wars Rebels, why not take a look back at our preview of the season 2 premiere! For other TV related news be sure to check out the promo photos for the next season of BBC’s Sherlock as well as our look at this season of The Walking Dead.

Images: Disney XD, Lucasfilm


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