All posts by Chris Tansuche

[SDCC 2019] Marvel Finds Their Shang-Chi in Canada’s Simu Liu

Marvel continued to blitz Hall H at SDCC 2019 on Saturday evening with news of what they hope to be the next cultural sensation, all while introducing the newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe who hails from our friendly neighbors to the north.

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New 24 Series Gets Greenlight…Minus Jack Bauer

The Jack Bauer Power Hour is back! Minus the Jack Bauer!

That’s right boys and girls, it looks like Fox is getting back on the 24 bandwagon with the new 24: Legacy series just being ordered to pilot. However, this won’t be the good old 24 that we’ve all grown accustomed to in the last decade and a half. This one will have two new leads and NO recurring original characters. That’s right, it looks like Jack Bauer hasn’t returned from Russia yet.

sad bauer

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2016 Academy Award Nominations Are Out & I’m Not…Unhappy…I Think

The 2016 Academy Award Nominations came out and unlike previous years, I’m not sure how to react. Over the years, there’s always snubs and disappointments and that comes with any awards but this year seems different. While there are still questionable decisions, it seems that, dare I say it, the Academy might have actually gotten (most of it) right.

The Revenant is the big winner (if there ever could be one) today, leading the way with 12 nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor. This was not a shock considering it’s been one long awards circuit gushing over the movie. That and no one tries to mess with the movie with a giant bear. Close behind is a great surprise with Mad Max: Fury Road earning 10 nominations. While it has been getting great press and was arguably the best movie of the summer, blockbusters never typically get recognized on this big of scale, especially in the Best Picture category (see: The Dark Knight). The Martian follows with seven nominations, despite director Ridley Scott not snagging one himself (more on that later). Other notables were Spotlight with six nominations and The Big Short (somewhat surprisingly in my opinion) coming in with five nominations.

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Our Thoughts on X-Men: Days of Future Past Rogue Cut

X-Men: Days of Future Past was, for the most part, universally loved. It satisfied a lot of comic book fans, in knowing that the story wasn’t massively butchered or Brett Ratner’d (admit it, you were afraid). It satisfied the moviegoers because it retcon’d out X-Men: The Last Stand (maybe you can gather our opinion on the third movie from the last few statements). It also brought Bryan Singer back in the fold in the director’s chair, which he stepped away from in the last decade and let he-who-will-not-be-mentioned-again and Matthew Vaughn keep the seat warm for the triumphant return.

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SDCC 2015: Lucifer Pilot Review

On paper, Lucifer follows the same rules as most police shows. Introduce the protagonist bad boy, give him an opposites attract partnership, add a bit sexual tension and let him use his “evil” ways for good. We’ve seen this show before and it has failed to captivate many new fans. However, there’s bit more charm this time around, and that’s thanks to its lead actors, especially Tom Ellis in the title role. Ellis takes the show, and the fans he’s about to earn, and runs with it.

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Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Looks to Score Spin-Off Show & How Daredevil Fits Into Their Universe

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. might be expanding their reach into another spin-off show while Marvel admits to having a common character with their ABC show and Netflix’s Daredevil. Could we see a crossover soon?

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