Tag Archives: Edgar Wright

Stuart Gordon: Iconic FIlmmaker Behind Re-Animator And From Beyond Dies At 72

“That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.” – H.P. Lovecraft

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Movie News Roundup! New Godzilla Revealed, Transformers 4 Poster Arrives & New Release Date for Ant-Man Movie!

There has been a ton of movie news recently, so much so in fact that we at Grizzly Bomb decided to combine some of the news for an easy to digest package. First off is the news that finally an image of the new Godzilla has come online. Due to be released in 2014, we have had quite a few teaser shots of him (the most notable showing his scaly tail), but now we get to see his actual head (originally from Yahoo Movies).

block buster news godzilla

Now this reviewer is not entirely up to speed on the Godzilla mythology having (to my shame) seen only a few brief clips of the movie franchise itself. But from what I have seen from this poster is that the design is very much akin to the older, original Godzilla than the more heroic faced hero he later became and it certainly does not look anything like the first American remake of the creature. There is also a great amount of detail that has gone into the facial design and to be quite honest it is looking pretty darn awesome. Keep checking with Grizzly Bomb for more information as it arrives.

So from a film this reviewer knew nothing about to a film that quite a few people will wish they knew nothing about, the new Transformers movie Transformers 4: Age of Extinction. Now the franchise does have its fans but for a lot of people, Michael Bay’s explode-a-rama of guns, robots and CGI has ruined the fun of Transformers and has become a parody of the action genre. That being said, this film does appear to be trying to sort the previous films problems out and take the movie in a new direction with Mark Walhberg starring and Bay teasing the inclusion of the fan favorites the Dinobots (check out the link here). The new poster release seems to be doing the same thing with a rather restrained image (originally from Inside Movies).

block buster news transformers 4

There is plenty we can take from this poster. For a start who is facing extinction? The sand covered logo is clearly a warped Decepticon badge so are they the ones who are going to be deleted or are they the ones doing the exterminating? With the possible inclusion of the Dinobots, are they the ones in charge of the coming devastation? If so that would be great to hear Grimlock shouting when he is about to crush a Decepticon. Or could it even be the human race that is on the chopping block? Hopefully more will be revealed before its release on June 27th, 2014.


Finally, we nip over to Marvel who have tons of new work in the pipeline but for now, its focus has gone back to a film that keeps popping its little head up every few months, Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man movie (thanks to Hollywood Reporter for the information). Looks like Marvel may be worried about the competition from the recently released news that Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig’s new Bond film because they have changed their original release date of November 6th 2015 (the same month the new Bond film is coming out) to July 31st 2015 (only one release for that month and it’s Peregrine’s Home for Peculiars). It does mean superhero fans will not have long to wait for their hero fix and will be jumping head first into Phase 3. With Avengers: Age of Ultron scheduled for May 1st 2015 and the untitled DC team up of Batman and Superman coming July 17th 2015, it seems the summer of 2015 will be chocker block full of heroes.

Edgar Wright May Have Found His Ant-Man! Rumors and Speculation Ahead! [UPDATED]

There has been a lot of Marvel discussion lately regarding the recent announcements of the 3 mystery release dates, but not a lot of talk about the first film of Marvel’s Phase Three; Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man. So you can probably imagine that today we will be discussing some Ant-Man rumors that have been swirling.

There isn’t really a question as to why we haven’t heard much from Ant-Man, because we’ve known for a while that Wright wouldn’t start production on Ant-Man until after The World’s End wrapped up, which is pretty much now as it gets ready for release. There have been a lot of names thrown around as star of Ant-Man, most common being Nathan Fillion due to his sheer awesomeness and connections to Joss Whedon. Also, he’s a Geek god and would no doubt draw a crowd to the film, but we have to STOP ASKING FOR NATHAN FILLION AS ANT-MAN! Sorry, sorry, it’s hard to let go.

Continue reading Edgar Wright May Have Found His Ant-Man! Rumors and Speculation Ahead! [UPDATED]

The World’s End: First Trailer for the New Flick From the “Shaun of the Dead” Team

First they had a show in the UK called Spaced, which was a bit hit or miss, but worth a watch. Then, in 2004 the creative team of Nira Park, Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost made a movie; Shaun of the Dead. It was a huge cult hit and created for them a loyal fan following here in the states. Three years later they returned to make Hot Fuzz. This was maybe even better than Shaun of the Dead, though met with less fanfare. Shortly after that Wright, Frost, and Pegg made a short without producer Park which was included in the Robert Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino double feature Grindhouse. In 2011, Pegg and Frost reunited with Park to do the movie Paul, but Edgar Wright this time was not involved. So now, the four of them are all back together again for what looks to be another gem; The World’s End (not to be confused with This is the End). 

Continue reading The World’s End: First Trailer for the New Flick From the “Shaun of the Dead” Team

Two Ant-Man Teasers! One Imaginary, The Other Real! *UPDATED*

Whenever teaser footage is “leaked” there’s always this infinite battle between the internet and movie companies. They for some reason don’t want everyone to see the teaser, and talk about the teaser, and share the teaser and generally do their PR jobs for them. Or maybe they DO, and by hiding it from us like it’s a weird reverse double bluff situation, we’re playing right into their hands? Which is silly, since this footage that was released is from a test reel that was premiered at SDCC last year, and not even technically a teaser. Regardless, the outcome of the studio censorship is it tends to make sharing and viewing these leaked teasers difficult, and sometimes that can lead to a disparity from your expectations and what actually happens. For instance, I thought the teaser was going to be something totally amazing and mind-blowing.

In fact, if I was to describe my imaginary teaser for Ant Man, I would say my favorite scenes were definitely the parts where Ant-Man finally, finally did what we all thought he would do, and shrunk down and crawled up a guard’s pants.

Then as the guard was trying to take off his pants, he ran up his leg and dove into the guard’s penis through his pee hole, and then rapidly expanded himself while in his urethra, tearing the guard’s dick open horribly, then kicking him through the groin out his butthole, in a fantastic display of gore worthy of an old Giallo film! The next few scenes were of him running around inside the other guards inner ear canal, using the harmonic balance and special lower hertz frequencies to sort of “puppeteer” the guard, making the guard punch himself repeatedly in the face over and over before ripping out his own eyes, in what I thought was a great homage to the work of Lucio Fulci. Then Ant-Man expanded inside the man’s head, creating a head explosion that possibly tops the infamous one from Scanners.

This one.

It all ended pretty perfectly when Ant-Man then turned to the camera, pointed his fingers and said his new catch phrase: “It aint easy being cheesy!”, which I found a bit gauche, but I supposed we’ll get used to it.

Right. Well that’s NOT what the Ant-Man teaser was. Here it is as long as it’ll stay up, which probably isn’t long.


Marvel’s Ant-Man Trailer from Anthony Green on Vimeo.

See? Instead of my imaginary awesomeness,  it was a fairly interesting fight scene of Ant-Man clearing a hallway with two guards in it, and instead of ripping their dicks or heads open from the inside, he just kinda punches them in the teeth maybe? It was more interesting than it sounds, but only just so. I think my version is a lot better, but for SOME REASON Hollywood has yet to take any of my ideas or use any of the scripts I send their offices detailing my outlandish plans to fix the movie business. I think it’s all a conspiracy against me. Anyway, here’s some screen caps, and gifs courtesy of [Buzzfeed]:







Those are some pretty neat GIFs, but these stills give you a better look at the actual Ant-Man suit, albeit a blurry one. Keep in mind these images are only from a test reel, so the final costume will probably look a lot different.

Ant-Man Ant-Man

So all in all, that’s pretty cool, but as always my version is better. But I have trust in Edgar Wright and I presume when the flick rolls by in 2015 it’ll still be pretty great.

More Marvel Characters to Big Screen: Dr. Strange Joins Ant-Man in Phase 3…

As a DC girl it’s a tough pill to swallow, but I think we have to admit that Marvel is much better than DC when it comes to movies. There is no denying that The Avengers and it’s “feeder” movies, have done incredibly well. So well that the people at Marvel have decided to let some much lesser known heroes make the leap to the big screen.

If you were to ask the average Joe-schmo walking down the street to name some Marvel superheroes you’d more than likely get an assortment of Spider-Man, the Hulk, and Wolverine. You’d also get quite a few Batmans and Supermans, but that’s a rant for another day. The chances you’d have someone bring up Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are slim, unless they are comics readers of course.

That is all about to change in the coming years though because Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are set to make their big screen debut. Both of these projects have been the subject of rumor and speculation for what seems like an eternity, so it’s nice to finally have some kind of date attached. As of right now, Ant-Man is scheduled for a fall of 2015 release with Doctor Strange following sometime in 2016.

No casting announcements have been made for Ant-Man, but it already has a director and no surprise here, it’s Edgar Wright.


For years now, whenever you heard about a possible movie about Ant-Man, you heard about Edgar Wright. Wright has been the driving force behind getting Ant-Man made and has written the script as well. He’s the man behind such classics like Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead and even the fantastic but short-lived Spaced. Given that track record we have to wonder- will Ant-Man have a role for either Simon Pegg or Nick Frost? We’ll have to wait and see.

All we know about Doctor Strange is that Marvel’s Kevin Feige is a fan.

[quote]”‘Doctor Strange,’ which I’ve been talking about for years, is definitely one of them,” he confirmed. “He’s a great, original character, and he checks the box off this criteria that I have: he’s totally different from anything else we have, just like ‘Guardians of the Galaxy.’ He’s totally different from anything we’ve done before, as is ‘Ant-Man,’ which keeps us excited.”[/quote]


There’s been no director announcement but it wouldn’t be a movie of the geek persuasion if Guillermo del Toro’s name wasn’t thrown around at least once. Apparently the script has been finished and now it’s just biding it’s time. When a director is attached, I’d like to suggest a name for the Sorcerer Supreme- Joe Manganiello. Yes he was Flash Thompson in 2002’s Spider-Man and then again in 2007’s Spider-Man 3 but by the time Doctor Strange makes it’s way to theaters almost a decade will have passed so I think it could work. Tall, dark, handsome, brooding… I’m on to something here.


Both of these projects are still in pre-production so everything is subject to change, but for now let’s just enjoy the possibilities of what’s to come.